Batman Day is set to take place later this month, and in celebration of all things Batman, Cinemark theaters are…
Michelle Pfeiffer’s history as an actress is filled with legendary performances. But few are more iconic than her turn as…
We’re really close to the release of Matt Reeves’ The Batman, which means it’s time for us to look back at previous…
What are your favorite Michael Keaton Batman moments?
Over 13,000 CS readers responded! Find out the official results of the poll now!
Should this hypothetical Batman III take its cues Batman Beyond?
5 Reasons Why: Batman Returns is Better than Batman ‘89 Welcome everyone to the newest feature here at Coming Soon.…
Welcome everyone to the newest feature here at Coming Soon. ‘5 Reasons Why’ is dedicated to featuring and defending a…
Throughout the Christmas season, there is an innumerable amount of Christmas movies to be watched, preferably under warm blankets with…
We Are Batman- Ranking the Cinematic Batmen The greatest thing about Batman is that, depending on the time period, he…
"I'm Batman"